KISS 的 Paul Stanley 将在南佛罗里达州的画廊活动中展示他的艺术作品,包括“Forever Flowers”。 KISS's Paul Stanley to showcase his art, including "Forever Flowers," at South Florida gallery events.
摇滚名人堂成员保罗·斯坦利将于2月22日和23日在南佛罗里达州的温特沃斯画廊推广他的最新艺术收藏。 Rock & Roll Hall of Famer Paul Stanley from KISS will promote his latest art collection at Wentworth Gallery locations in South Florida on February 22nd and 23rd. 斯坦利以设计 KISS 标志和创作艺术而闻名数十年,大约十年前重返绘画领域,他的作品赚取了数千万美元。 Stanley, known for designing the KISS emblem and creating art for decades, returned to painting about ten years ago and his works have earned tens of millions of dollars. 该活动将展出他的“Forever Flowers”系列和爱国主义系列的作品,并提供有限的 VIP “与保罗一起绘画”体验。 The event will feature pieces from his "Forever Flowers" series and patriotic collections, with limited VIP "Painting with Paul" experiences.