K-pop Group NJZ,前称NewJeans, 设于香港ComplexCon, 初版,管理后分拆。 K-pop group NJZ, formerly NewJeans, set for ComplexCon Hong Kong debut post-management split.
K-op Group New-Jeans现改名为NJZ, 将于三月在香港ComplexCon香港演出, 这是自2024年11月离开管理公司Ador以来的首次重大活动。 K-pop group NewJeans, now rebranded as NJZ, will perform at ComplexCon Hong Kong in March, marking their first major event since leaving their management company Ador in November 2024. 更改名称和更改名称是在Ador对该集团的虐待和违反合同行为提出指控之后进行的,Ador对此有争议。 The name change and departure follow claims of mistreatment and contract breaches by the group, which Ador disputes. Ador已提起诉讼,以确认集团合同的有效性,防止它们签署独立交易。 Ador has filed lawsuits to confirm the validity of the group's contracts and prevent them from signing independent deals. 该小组着眼于新音乐,定于4月举行关于法律纠纷的听证会。 The group aims to focus on new music, with a hearing on the legal dispute scheduled for April.