印度议会因美国驱逐印度国民的争议而休会。 Indian parliament adjourns amid dispute over U.S. deportation of Indian nationals.
在美国驱逐 100 多名印度国民引发政治争议后,印度议会休会。 The Indian parliament was adjourned after a political dispute arose over the deportation of over 100 Indian nationals by the United States. 外交部长 S. Jaishankar 将在 Rajya Sabha 解决这个问题。 External Affairs Minister S. Jaishankar is set to address the issue in the Rajya Sabha. 国大党已开始讨论此事,称驱逐令全国感到震惊。 The Congress party has moved to discuss the matter, describing the deportations as shocking to the nation.