希腊议会第三次未能选出新总统;第四轮选举定于2月12日举行。 Greek parliament fails to elect new president for third time; fourth round scheduled for February 12.
希腊议会第三次未能选出新总统, 新民主党提名人康斯坦丁·塔苏拉斯(Constant Tassoulas)获得160张选票, The Greek parliament failed to elect a new president for the third time, with Constantine Tassoulas, the New Democracy party's nominee, receiving 160 votes, short of the 180 needed. 第四轮定于2月12日举行,最低票数为151票。 A fourth round is scheduled for February 12 with a threshold of 151 votes. 如果无结果,将举行最后一轮,以相对多数票选举主席。 If inconclusive, a final round will be held, electing a president by a relative majority. 即将卸任的卡特琳娜·萨卡拉罗波卢总统的任期将于3月结束。 The term of outgoing President Katerina Sakellaropoulou ends in March.