在爱尔兰海滩发现的濒危绿海龟 被喂养回健康, 准备转移到专门护理。 Endangered green turtle found on Irish beach is nursed back to health, set for transfer to specialized care.
12月23日在Co Clare海滩发现一只稀有、濒危的绿色海龟, 据信是爱尔兰海滩上仅有的两只海龟之一, A rare, endangered green turtle, believed to be one of only two ever found on Irish beaches, was discovered in critical condition on a Co Clare beach on December 23. 贝夫特鲁斯 兽医护士 给叫索尔斯蒂斯的海龟喂奶 恢复健康 Bev Truss, a vet nurse, nursed the turtle, named Solstice, back to health. 恢复后,Solstice被转移到Dingle水族馆接受进一步护理,并计划将她转往大加那利岛的海龟医院或迈阿密的海龟医院进行康复,并最终释放到温暖的水域。 After recovering, Solstice was moved to Dingle Aquarium for further care, with plans to transfer her to a Turtle Hospital in Gran Canaria or Miami for rehabilitation and eventual release into warm waters.