ASCI发现69%的印度顶尖影响者违反社交媒体产品披露准则, 影响超过1.1亿用户。 ASCI finds 69% of top Indian influencers violate social media product disclosure guidelines, affecting over 110 million users.
印度广告标准理事会(ASCI)发现,印度前100名数字影响者中有69%在推广社交媒体产品时没有遵循披露准则。 The Advertising Standards Council of India (ASCI) found that 69% of the top 100 digital influencers in India did not follow disclosure guidelines when promoting products on social media. 这影响到1.1亿以上的用户,而时装、电信和个人护理部门则首当其冲地发生了侵权行为。 This affected over 110 million users, with fashion, telecom, and personal care sectors leading in violations. 仅有29%的职位有适当的披露,导致ASCI呼吁更好地遵守规定,以避免出现法律问题。 Only 29% of posts had proper disclosures, leading ASCI to call for better compliance to avoid legal issues. 在ASCI干预后,93%的影响力者遵守了准则。 After ASCI's intervention, 93% of influencers complied with guidelines.