妇女因侵吞佛蒙特州汽车经销商的140K美元而被判处4个月徒刑,必须偿还并服刑3年,在监督下获得释放。 Woman sentenced to 4 months for embezzling $140K from Vermont car dealerships, must repay and serve 3 years supervised release.
Madison Carrig, 30岁,来自纽约Whitehall, 被判四个月监禁, 罪名是偷盗佛蒙特州三家汽车经销商的约140,000美元。 Madison Carrig, a 30-year-old from Whitehall, New York, was sentenced to four months in prison for embezzling about $140,000 from three Vermont car dealerships she worked for. Carrig承认在2022年9月至2023年11月期间盗窃现金收据,并滥用公司信用卡供个人使用。 Carrig admitted to stealing cash receipts and misusing company credit cards for personal use between September 2022 and November 2023. 她必须全额偿还,并将服刑三年,在狱后受到监督释放。 She must repay the full amount and will serve three years of supervised release after prison.