Tinnitus意识周强调应对战略和新的衡量标准,以管理影响数百万人的状况。 Tinnitus Awareness Week highlights coping strategies and a new metric to manage the condition affecting millions.
影响美国和全球数以百万计的Tinitus, 表现为持续的幻影听起来像是铃声或嗡嗡声。 Tinnitus, affecting millions in the US and globally, manifests as persistent phantom sounds like ringing or buzzing. 白噪音、助听器、认知行为疗法等应对策略 都可以管理它。 While there's no cure, it can be managed with coping strategies such as white noise, hearing aids, and cognitive behavioral therapy. MyTinnitus Number.org为跟踪严重程度和改进治疗方法提供了个性化衡量尺度。 MyTinnitusNumber.org offers a personalized metric to track severity and improve treatment approaches. 这一状况可能是由于噪音、与年龄有关的听力丧失或压力造成的。 The condition can be caused by loud noise, age-related hearing loss, or stress. 在Tinnitus意识周期间,专家们强调了向受影响者提供准确信息和专业支持的重要性。 During Tinnitus Awareness Week, experts stress the importance of accurate information and professional support for those affected.