17名州总检察长领导了对Fauci博士关于COVID-19答复指控的调查。 17 state attorneys general lead an investigation into Dr. Fauci over COVID-19 response allegations.
以南卡罗来纳州Alan Wilson为首的17名州总检察长组成的联盟正在调查Anthony Fauci博士在COVID-19反应中的作用,向国会寻求信息。 A coalition of 17 state attorneys general, led by South Carolina's Alan Wilson, is investigating Dr. Anthony Fauci's role in the COVID-19 response, seeking information from Congress. 他们的目的是要Fauci对指称的管理不善、误导性言论和压制科学辩论承担责任。 They aim to hold Fauci accountable for alleged mismanagement, misleading statements, and suppression of scientific debate. 调查是在众议院一份报告之后进行的,该报告详细说明了尽管拜登总统赦免Fauci犯有联邦罪行,但高级官员的失职和可能的不当行为。 The investigation follows a House report detailing failures and potential misconduct by high-ranking officials, despite President Biden pardoning Fauci for federal offenses.