Regis Inge, Kendrick Lamar的前老师,分享他如何从害羞的开头培养饶舌歌手的才华。 Regis Inge, Kendrick Lamar's former teacher, shares how he nurtured the rapper's talents from shy beginnings.
Regis Inge, Kendrick Lamar的前老师来自Compton, 记得说唱歌手在中学的害羞和闲聊的日子。 Regis Inge, Kendrick Lamar's former teacher from Compton, recalls the rapper's shy and stuttering middle school days. Inge培养了Lamar讲故事的才华, 将他介绍为诗歌, 鼓励他写作和大声朗读, 甚至提供词典来扩展他的词汇。 Inge nurtured Lamar's storytelling talent by introducing him to poetry and encouraging him to write and read aloud, even providing a thesaurus to expand his vocabulary. 尽管 Lamar 举止安静,但 Inge 发现了他的天赋,并为他的学生对真实性和积极性的承诺感到自豪,他现在是普利策奖得主,多次获得格莱美奖。 Despite Lamar's quiet demeanor, Inge spotted his gift and is proud of his student's commitment to authenticity and positivity, now a Pulitzer Prize winner with multiple Grammy Awards.