Rahul Gandhi抗议UGC规则草案, 指称印度文化多样性受到威胁。 Rahul Gandhi protests draft UGC rules, citing threats to India's cultural diversity.
Rahul Gandhi批评了UGC教师任命条例草案,认为这些条例旨在强加统一的历史和文化,消除区域多样性。 Rahul Gandhi criticized draft UGC regulations on teacher appointments, arguing they aim to impose a uniform history and culture, erasing regional diversity. 甘地与其他反对党领袖一起在新德里领头抗议, 将条例称为“严酷和反宪法”, Gandhi, along with other opposition leaders, led a protest in New Delhi, calling the regulations "draconian and anti-Constitution" and demanding their withdrawal. 引起争议的原因是担心规则可能与RSS议程保持一致,影响印度不同的文化和语言遗产。 The controversy stems from concerns that the rules could align with the RSS agenda, impacting India's diverse cultural and linguistic heritage. 另外,国会纪律委员会向 MLC Teenmar Mallanna 发出了一份说明理由通知,因为他批评了种姓普查调查并焚烧了一份副本。 Separately, the Congress disciplinary committee issued a show-cause notice to MLC Teenmar Mallanna for criticizing the caste census survey and burning a copy of it.