普京以Dmitry Bakanov取代Roscosmos头目尤里·鲍里索夫(Yuri Borisov), Putin replaces Roscosmos head Yuri Borisov with Dmitry Bakanov amid space program setbacks.
俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔·普京将尤里·鲍里索夫辞退为国家航天局Roscosmos的负责人,他的任期经历了挫折,包括失败的月球-25号月球飞行任务以及对国家航天中心项目的关切。 Russian President Vladimir Putin has dismissed Yuri Borisov as the head of Roscosmos, the nation's space agency, after a tenure marked by setbacks, including the failed Luna-25 lunar mission and concerns over the National Space Center project. 取代鲍里索夫的是Dmitry Bakanov,他是39岁的前运输部副部长,具有卫星技术方面的经验。 Borisov's replacement is Dmitry Bakanov, a 39-year-old former deputy transport minister with experience in satellite technology. 克里姆林宫没有提供解雇鲍里索夫的具体理由,但强调必须在该机构内进行动态发展。 The Kremlin did not provide a specific reason for Borisov's dismissal but emphasized the need for dynamic development within the agency.