特朗普总统要求更新空中交通管制系统 在一次坠机事故造成67人死亡之后 President Trump calls for an updated air traffic control system after a crash killed 67 people.
总统特朗普(Trump)将最近一架美国航空公司的飞机和一架军用直升机的致命碰撞(炸死67人)归咎于美国“过时的”空中交通管制系统。 President Trump blames the recent deadly collision of an American Airlines flight and an Army helicopter, which killed 67 people, on an "obsolete" US air traffic control system. 他计划与国会合作, 通过立法, 制定新的, 先进的系统, He plans to work with Congress to pass legislation for a new, advanced system, addressing long-standing issues of outdated technology and understaffing within the FAA. 长期以来,联邦官员一直对现行制度效率低下表示关切,包括缺乏竞争力的薪酬和导致人员短缺的密集培训要求。 Federal officials have long raised concerns about the current system's inefficiencies, including uncompetitive pay and intensive training requirements leading to staffing shortages.