教皇延长了Re红衣主教作为红衣主教学院院长的任期,这是教皇选举中的一个关键角色。 Pope extends Cardinal Re’s term as dean of the College of Cardinals, a key role in papal elections.
教皇延长了主教Giovanni Battista Re作为红衣主教学院院长的任期, 由于奥斯卡提名的电影《Conclave》, The Pope extended the term of Cardinal Giovanni Battista Re as dean of the College of Cardinals amid increased interest in papal elections due to the Oscar-nominated film "Conclave." 这部电影突显了院长在父系转型期间的关键作用。 The movie highlights the dean's key role during the transition of papacies. 这一决定是出乎意料的,因为Re的任期即将结束,不清楚延长是暂时的,还是另外五年的完整任期。 This decision was unexpected, as Re's term was set to end soon, and it is unclear if the extension will be temporary or for another full five-year term.