JTB园艺公司业主因据称在拉斯维加斯308K美元中诈骗老年人而被捕。 Owner of JTB Landscaping arrested for allegedly defrauding seniors out of $308K in Las Vegas.
拉斯维加斯JTB园艺公司业主Jon Banning因涉嫌诈骗房主(多数为老年人)而被捕, Jon Banning, owner of JTB Landscaping in Las Vegas, has been arrested for allegedly defrauding homeowners, mostly seniors, out of over $308,000 by collecting deposits for landscaping and pool projects he never completed. 内华达州总检察长办公室和内华达州承包商委员会逮捕了班宁,罪名包括8项重罪,包括欺诈和欺骗。 The Nevada Attorney General's Office and the Nevada State Contractors Board arrested Banning on eight felony counts, including fraud and deceit. 建议房主对要求大笔预付付款或缺乏适当许可证的承包商持谨慎态度。 Homeowners are advised to be cautious of contractors demanding large upfront payments or lacking proper licensing.