Orange县Bancorp的Q4收入没有达到预期值,但股票却上升,这得益于Piper Sandler的乐观评级。 Orange County Bancorp's Q4 earnings missed expectations, yet shares rose, aided by Piper Sandler's optimistic rating.
Orange县Bancorp报告,Q4收入每股0.63美元,低于预期的0.68美元。 Orange County Bancorp reported Q4 earnings of $0.63 per share, falling short of the expected $0.68. 尽管出现亏损,但中午股票上涨了1.18美元,增至27.29美元。 Despite the miss, shares rose midday by $1.18 to $27.29. 该公司的净利息收入和贷款总额增长,存款增加了1.146亿美元。 The company's net interest income and total loans grew, with deposits up by $114.6 million. Piper Sandler将其价格目标提高到35. 50美元, Piper Sandler raised its price target to $35.50 and gave an "overweight" rating. 该公司还宣布季度股息为0.125美元。 The company also declared a quarterly dividend of $0.125.