任天堂承诺,尽管面临经济挑战,但仍将 Switch 2 保持在 400 美元左右的可负担性。 Nintendo pledges to keep Switch 2 affordable at around $400 despite economic challenges.
任天堂总裁 Shuntaro Furukawa 表示,即将推出的 Switch 2 将致力于在通货膨胀和汇率变化的情况下保持可负担性。 Nintendo's President, Shuntaro Furukawa, has stated that the upcoming Switch 2 will aim to maintain affordability despite inflation and exchange rate changes. 根据行业预测,该控制台预计将于 2025 年推出,价格约为 400 美元。 The console is expected to launch in 2025 with a price around $400, based on industry predictions. 古河证实,新型号发布后,原来的 Switch 不会降价。 Furukawa confirmed that the original Switch will not have its price reduced upon the new model's release. 有关 Switch 2 的更多细节,包括其确切价格和完整的游戏阵容,可能会在 4 月 2 日的 Nintendo Direct 期间公布。 Additional details about the Switch 2, including its exact price and full game lineup, will likely be revealed during the Nintendo Direct on April 2.