纽约市市长和丹佛市市长于3月5日在国会作证,就避难城市政策作证。 Mayors of New York and Denver to testify on sanctuary city policies before Congress on March 5.
纽约和丹佛的市长将于3月5日在国会作证, 说明他们的城市避难所政策, Mayors of New York and Denver will testify before Congress on March 5 about their cities' sanctuary policies, which limit cooperation with federal immigration authorities. 由詹姆斯·科梅尔共和国牵头的听证会旨在确保遵守联邦移民法。 The hearing, led by Rep. James Comer, aims to ensure compliance with federal immigration laws. Denver的市长支持欢迎政策而不损害安全,而纽约市长则考虑修改目前的保护措施,把重点放在驱逐危险的犯罪移民上。 Denver's mayor supports welcoming policies without compromising safety, while New York's mayor considers modifying current protections to focus on deporting dangerous criminal immigrants.