Harrison Ford谈到“Indiana Jones”电影的经济损失, 尽管表现不佳, 却毫不后悔。 Harrison Ford speaks on "Indiana Jones" film's financial loss, showing no regret despite its underperformance.
《夺宝奇兵与命运之盘》(Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny)的主演哈里森·福特(Harrison Ford)对这部电影票房不佳表示并不遗憾,他承认“狗屎时有发生”。 Harrison Ford, star of "Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny," expresses no regret over the film's underperformance at the box office, acknowledging that "shit happens." 这部电影在全世界总金额为3.84亿美元,未能支付2.95亿美元的预算,给迪士尼造成了重大损失。 The movie grossed $384 million worldwide, failing to cover its $295 million budget, resulting in a significant loss for Disney. 福特(Ford)自1981年以来一直扮演印第安纳·琼斯(Indiana Jones), 表示他觉得还有另一个故事要讲, Ford, who has played Indiana Jones since 1981, stated he felt there was another story to tell and is content with his involvement. 82岁的演员即将登上Marvel的《美国队长:勇敢的新世界》。 The 82-year-old actor is set to star in Marvel's "Captain America: Brave New World."