州长拉里·罗登任命杰克·科尔贝克填补南达科他第13区众议院的空缺席位。 Governor Larry Rhoden appoints Jack Kolbeck to fill the vacant House seat in South Dakota's District 13.
南达科他州州长拉里·罗登任命杰克·科尔贝克填补第13区众议院的空缺席位。 South Dakota Governor Larry Rhoden appointed Jack Kolbeck to fill the vacant House seat in District 13. Kolbeck是一个共和党人,在麦芽饮料业有50年的职业生涯,从2017年至2024年曾在州参议院任职。 Kolbeck, a Republican with a 50-year career in the malt beverage industry, previously served in the State Senate from 2017 to 2024. 罗登州长赞扬科尔贝克的领导才能,并期望他成为一个强有力的合作伙伴。 Governor Rhoden praised Kolbeck's leadership and expects him to be a strong partner. Kolbeck感谢州长,并期待与行政部门合作,因为他们面临预算限制。 Kolbeck thanked the governor and looks forward to working with the executive branch as they face budget constraints.