加纳议员在Asante Twi发表历史性演讲, 重点是基础设施和旅游业。 Ghanaian MP gives historic speech in Asante Twi, focusing on infrastructure and tourism.
2025年2月5日, 加纳国会议员Ohene Kwame Frimpong在国会议事期间在Asante Twi发表历史性演说, On February 5, 2025, Ghanaian MP Ohene Kwame Frimpong made a historic speech in Asante Twi during parliamentary proceedings, the first of its kind. 他强调改善道路基础设施和街道灯光,以促进当地旅游业,并讨论了卖淫等问题。 He emphasized improving road infrastructure and streetlights to boost local tourism, and addressed issues like prostitution. 副议长要求翻译成英文,以确保所有成员都能理解。 Deputy Speaker requested a translation into English to ensure understanding across all members.