Edward Adams,83岁,死在内布拉斯加州的监狱; 大陪审团调查他在州拘留所的死亡情况。 Edward Adams, 83, died at Nebraska's prison; grand jury to investigate his death in state custody.
Edward Adams,83岁,因谋杀和其他罪名而服85年至无期徒刑,死在内布拉斯加州林肯收容和治疗中心。 Edward Adams, 83, serving an 85-year to life sentence for murder and other charges, died at Nebraska's Lincoln Reception and Treatment Center. 死因尚未确定,尽管Adams接受过治疗。 The cause of death is undetermined, though Adams had been receiving medical treatment. 根据内布拉斯加州法律,一个大陪审团将调查他的死因,这发生在他被国家拘留期间。 As per Nebraska law, a grand jury will investigate his death, which occurred while he was in state custody.