17岁的加拿大冲浪者Erin Brooks 通过在夏威夷Lexus Pipe Pro 进入16轮赛 来创造历史 Canadian surfer Erin Brooks, 17, makes history by advancing to the round of 16 in Hawaii's Lexus Pipe Pro.
17岁的加拿大冲浪选手Erin Brooks 在夏威夷的Lexus Pipe Pro 升格为16轮比赛 标志着她首次参加州比赛 Canadian surfer Erin Brooks, 17, advanced to the round of 16 at the Lexus Pipe Pro in Hawaii, marking her first competition in the state. Brooks成为第一个获得世界冲浪联盟精英锦标赛全时地位的加拿大人。 Brooks became the first Canadian to secure full-time status on the World Surf League's elite Championship Tour. 尽管在开赛中排名第三,但她还是通过了淘汰赛. Despite finishing third in her opening heat, she progressed through the elimination round. 该锦标赛提供奖金80 000至200 000美元不等。 The tournament offers prize money ranging from $80,000 to $200,000.