商业公司 Strategy(前身为 MicroStrategy)尽管亏损 $670.8M,但仍在比特币上加倍下注。 Business firm Strategy, formerly MicroStrategy, doubles down on Bitcoin despite a $670.8M loss.
商业情报公司微战略公司已重新命名为战略,强调其重点是比特币。 Business intelligence firm MicroStrategy has rebranded as Strategy, emphasizing its focus on Bitcoin. 该公司由Michael Saylor领导,现在拥有超过470 000比特币,价值约460亿美元。 The company, led by Michael Saylor, now holds over 470,000 bitcoins, worth about $46 billion. 战略报告第四季度净损失6.708亿美元,包括比特币持有量10亿美元的减值费。 Strategy reported a fourth-quarter net loss of $670.8 million, including a $1 billion impairment charge on Bitcoin holdings. 该公司的收入下降了3%,降至1.207亿美元,估计损失了1亿2千070万美元。 The firm's revenue fell 3% to $120.7 million, missing estimates. 战略的目标是到2027年筹集420亿美元,用于购买更多的比特币,新的目标为2025年BTC收益15%,收益100亿美元。 Strategy aims to raise $42 billion by 2027 for more Bitcoin purchases, with a new target of a 15% BTC yield and a $10 billion gain goal for 2025.