波音公司预测南亚航空公司机队将蓬勃发展,预计二十年内将有2 835架新飞机。 Boeing forecasts a boom in South Asian airline fleets, predicting 2,835 new aircraft over two decades.
波音公司预测印度和南亚航空公司在今后20年中将在其机队中增加2 835架飞机,由于中产阶级增长和经济增长,飞机数量将大幅增加。 Boeing predicts Indian and South Asian airlines will add 2,835 aircraft to their fleets over the next 20 years, a significant increase due to a growing middle class and economic growth. 大部分新飞机,大约90%,将是单子喷气式飞机,宽体飞机也越来越多。 Most of the new planes, about 90%, will be single-aisle jets, with widebody planes also increasing. 尽管这一增长,该行业仍面临货币压力、燃料成本和票价竞争等挑战。 Despite this growth, the industry faces challenges like currency pressures, fuel costs, and fare competition.