Blue Bird Corporation胜过收入估计数,尽管最近降级,投资仍有所增加。 Blue Bird Corporation beats earnings estimates, sees increased investment despite recent downgrade.
校车制造商蓝鸟公司(Blue Bird Corporation)报告的收入比预期的要好,每股0.86美元,而分析师估计为0.83美元。 Blue Bird Corporation, a school bus manufacturer, reported better-than-expected earnings, with $0.86 per share compared to analyst estimates of $0.83. 尽管Needham & Company最近下调了评级,降低了其价格目标,但维持了“买入”评级,但Blue Bird已经看到了机构投资的增加和分析师的乐观情绪。 Despite a recent downgrade by Needham & Company, which lowered its price target but maintained a "buy" rating, Blue Bird has seen increased institutional investment and analyst optimism. 该公司的CFO最近还出售了股份,提供各种类型的校车,包括电力选择。 The company's CFO also recently sold shares, and it offers various types of school buses, including electric options.