亚马逊在 2 月 26 日的新 Alexa 更新中增加了生成式 AI,旨在以 5 至 10 美元的月费转换用户。 Amazon's new Alexa update on Feb. 26 adds generative AI, aiming to convert users with a $5-$10 monthly fee.
亚马逊将于 2 月 26 日推出其 Alexa 语音助手的升级版本,该助手具有生成式 AI 功能,使其能够交谈和处理顺序提示。 Amazon will unveil an upgraded version of its Alexa voice assistant on February 26th, featuring generative AI capabilities that allow it to converse and handle sequential prompts. 此次升级旨在将五亿 Alexa 用户中的一些转化为付费客户,月费可能为 5 到 10 美元。 This upgrade aims to convert some of the half a billion Alexa users into paying customers, with a potential $5 to $10 monthly fee. 亚马逊将继续提供免费的“Classic Alexa”,同时最初向有限的受众推出新服务。 Amazon will continue to offer the free "Classic Alexa" while rolling out the new service to a limited audience initially.