Wreckfest 2 是一款拆迁德比赛车游戏,于 2025 年 3 月 20 日在 Steam 抢先体验版上推出。 Wreckfest 2, a demolition derby racing game, launches on Steam Early Access on March 20, 2025.
剧场版Wreckfest 2将于2025年3月20日在Steam早期访问中推出. Wreckfest 2, a sequel to the 2018 racing game, will launch on Steam Early Access on March 20, 2025. 游戏由Bugbear Entertainment开发,游戏中有改进的汽车破坏,改进的职业模式,以及基于技能的对手对决,最多可供23名玩家使用. Developed by Bugbear Entertainment, the game features improved car destruction, a revamped career mode, and skill-based matchmaking for up to 23 players. 它将提供在线多玩家和支持车辆定制。 It will offer online multiplayer and support for vehicle customization. 随后将在PS5和Xbox系列X/S上全面公布。 The full release on PS5 and Xbox Series X/S will follow later. 该游戏专注于混乱的拆除德比式赛车,具有增强的物理效果和 Mod 支持。 The game focuses on chaotic demolition derby-style racing with enhanced physics and mod support.