威斯康星州自然资源局雇用季节性工人担任公园角色;通过Wisc Jobs开放申请。 Wisconsin DNR hiring seasonal workers for park roles; applications open through Wisc Jobs.
威斯康星州自然资源局(DNR)正在州公园、森林和小径各处雇用季节性工人,担任公园护林员、露营地服务员、教育工作者等角色。 The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) is hiring seasonal workers for roles like park rangers, campground attendants, and educators across state parks, forests, and trails. 职位包括室外维护、设施照料和访客服务。 Positions involve outdoor maintenance, facility care, and visitor service. 申请可通过Wisc Jobs门户网站进行,工作一般在春季开始,秋季结束。 Applications can be made through the Wisc Jobs portal, with work typically starting in spring and ending in fall.