埃隆·马斯克 (Elon Musk) 的团队对联邦支付系统只有“只读”访问权限,从而缓解了安全问题。 Elon Musk's team has only "read-only" access to federal payment systems, easing security concerns.
美国财政部已证实,埃隆·马斯克 (Elon Musk) 的团队(称为 DOGE)对该国的支付系统只有“只读”访问权限,这些系统处理包括社会保障和医疗保险在内的交易。 The US Treasury has confirmed that Elon Musk's team, known as DOGE, has only "read-only" access to the country's payment systems, which handle transactions including Social Security and Medicare. 本澄清旨在解决立法者对潜在安全风险和因 DOGE 的参与而错过付款的担忧。 This clarification aims to address concerns raised by lawmakers about potential security risks and missed payments due to DOGE's involvement. 一封致国会的信强调,授予的有限访问权限不会对支付系统或政府计划构成重大威胁。 A letter to Congress emphasizes that the limited access granted does not pose significant threats to the payment systems or government programs.