阿联酋和阿根廷讨论促进贸易和投资,重点是阿根廷的新经济框架。 UAE and Argentina discuss boosting trade and investment, focusing on Argentina's new economic framework.
阿联酋和阿根廷在阿布扎比举办了一次高级别经济研讨会,探讨新的贸易和投资机会。 The UAE and Argentina held a high-level economic seminar in Abu Dhabi to explore new trade and investment opportunities. 活动重点是阿根廷新的投资框架,即RIGI,旨在吸引采矿、能源和技术等部门的外国投资。 The event focused on Argentina's new investment framework, the RIGI, aimed at attracting foreign investment in sectors like mining, energy, and technology. 两国都承诺加强经济联系,非石油贸易在2024年增加68%,达到5.371亿美元。 Both countries committed to strengthening economic ties, with non-oil trade increasing 68% to $537.1 million in 2024.