3名男子因在被重新没收的农舍袭击警卫而被定罪,他们走出了上诉听证会。 Three men convicted of attacking security guards at a repossessed farmhouse walked out of their appeal hearings.
三名男子因暴力私刑袭击在Roscommon被重新没收的农场的保安人员而入狱,他们走出了上诉听证会。 Three men jailed for a violent vigilante attack on security personnel at a repossessed farmhouse in Roscommon walked out of their appeal hearings. Martin O'Toole和Paul Beirne解雇了他们的法律团队,离开了法庭,O'Toole声称其人权遭到剥夺。 Martin O'Toole and Paul Beirne dismissed their legal teams and left the court, with O'Toole claiming his human rights were denied. PJ Sweeney计划继续进行上诉。 PJ Sweeney plans to continue with his appeal. 这些男子在用武器袭击警卫后被判犯有严重入室盗窃罪和非法监禁罪。 The men were convicted of charges including aggravated burglary and false imprisonment after attacking security guards with weapons.