Ratan Tata的前助理Shantanu Naidu被任命为Tata汽车公司战略举措负责人。 Shantanu Naidu, former assistant to Ratan Tata, is appointed Head of Strategic Initiatives at Tata Motors.
Shantanu Naidu是已故Ratan Tata的亲密伙伴,被任命为Tata汽车公司总经理和战略倡议负责人。 Shantanu Naidu, a close associate of the late Ratan Tata, has been appointed as General Manager and Head of Strategic Initiatives at Tata Motors. 与Tata集团有着深厚家庭联系的Naidu开始作为Ratan Tata的助手从事职业生涯,并致力于诸如Motopaws等项目,其重点是流浪狗福利。 Naidu, who has a deep family connection to the Tata Group, started his career as Ratan Tata's assistant and has worked on projects like Motopaws, focused on stray dog welfare. 他的任命标志着Ratan Tata在该公司内的遗产的延续。 His appointment marks a continuation of Ratan Tata's legacy within the company.