PIMCO基金宣布了各种月红利,显示三年来收益趋势参差不齐。 PIMCO funds announce varied monthly dividends, showing mixed yield trends over three years.
PIMCO基金本周宣布了几笔每月红利。 PIMCO funds announced several monthly dividends this week. PCQ的股息为每股0.04美元,收益率为4.72%,但三年内年均下降17.9%。 PCQ's dividend is $0.04 per share, with a 4.72% yield, but has seen a 17.9% annual decrease over three years. PHK提供每股0.048美元的股息,而PFL的股息为每股0.08美元,收益率为11.49%,三年内每年增长5.1%。 PHK offers a $0.048 dividend per share, while PFL's dividend is $0.08 per share, with an 11.49% yield, increasing by 5.1% annually over three years. PMX和PMF的红利分别为每股0.03美元和0.04美元,收益率为5.32%和5.52%,但在过去三年中,它们的红利每年下降10.5%和8.0%。 PMX and PMF both offer dividends of $0.03 and $0.04 per share respectively, with yields of 5.32% and 5.52%, but their dividends have decreased by 10.5% and 8.0% annually over the past three years.