克什米尔的反对党指责政府通过新的立法规则巩固了 2019 年的特殊地位撤销。 Opposition parties in Kashmir accuse the government of cementing the 2019 special status revocation through new legislative rules.
查谟和克什米尔的反对党指责执政的全国大会和印度人民党支持2019年通过拟议修改立法规则来撤销该地区的特殊地位。 Opposition parties in Jammu and Kashmir accuse the ruling National Conference and BJP of endorsing the 2019 revocation of the region's special status through proposed changes to legislative rules. 他们声称这些变化可能会阻止未来对该决定的法律挑战。 They claim these changes could block future legal challenges to the decision. 商业规则委员会定于 2 月 11 日再次召开会议,不包括克什米尔的反对派或独立代表。 The Business Rules Committee, set to meet again on February 11, includes no Kashmir-based opposition or independent representatives.