NFL将「结束种族主义」改为「超级碗」结束区的新讯息, NFL replaces "End Racism" with new messages in Super Bowl end zones, amid national debates.
NFL(NFL)将在超级碗的末端地带, 播种“选择爱”和“它需要我们所有人”, 标志着自2021年以来第一次“结束种族主义”不再出现。 The NFL will stencil "Choose Love" and "It Takes All of Us" in the end zones for the Super Bowl, marking the first time "End Racism" won't appear since 2021. 这一决定是在最近发生的全国悲剧和特朗普总统的第二任期间作出的,他批评了多样性倡议。 This decision comes amid recent national tragedies and during President Trump's second term, which has criticized diversity initiatives. NFL专员Roger Goodell重申,尽管消息改变,但该联盟致力于多样性、公平和包容做法。 NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell has reaffirmed the league's commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion practices despite the change in messaging.