莫莉·托马斯 (Molly Thomas) 发现了一张明信片,将她的邻居与被定罪的性犯罪者吉米·萨维尔 (Jimmy Savile) 联系起来。 Molly Thomas discovers postcard linking her neighbor to convicted sex offender Jimmy Savile.
一位名叫莫莉·托马斯 (Molly Thomas) 的女士在帮助她的年长邻居清理车库时发现了一张明信片,上面写着被定罪的性犯罪者吉米·萨维尔 (Jimmy Savile)。 A woman named Molly Thomas found a postcard featuring Jimmy Savile, a convicted sex offender, while helping her elderly neighbor clear out a garage. 1962 年的 BBC 明信片显示,她的邻居是一名前媒体工作者,曾与萨维尔合作。 The 1962 BBC postcard reveals her neighbor, a former media worker, had collaborated with Savile. 托马斯在 TikTok 上分享了她的发现,指出了萨维尔黑暗的过去带来的不适,同时承认她的邻居当时可能不知道他的罪行。 Thomas shared her find on TikTok, noting the discomfort caused by Savile's dark past, while acknowledging her neighbor likely didn't know about his offenses back then.