马来西亚AGC呼吁将前PM Najib关进监狱, 而非软禁, 超过1MDB案。 Malaysia's AGC appeals to keep ex-PM Najib in prison, not house arrest, over 1MDB case.
马来西亚总检察院(AGC)正试图阻止前总理纳吉布·拉扎克在国内服与1MDB有关的徒刑。 Malaysia's Attorney General's Chambers (AGC) is trying to prevent former Prime Minister Najib Razak from serving his 1MDB-related prison sentence at home. 上月法院允许Najib申请软禁, 但AGC却想向联邦法院上诉, Last month, a court allowed Najib to seek house arrest, but the AGC wants to appeal this decision at the Federal Court, arguing there are conflicting interpretations of the law. 上诉法院先前的裁决并非一致。 The previous appeal court ruling was not unanimous.