当地新闻重述了中伊利诺伊州、南威斯康星州和西北印第安纳州的社区事件、政治和最新消息。 Local news recaps community events, politics, and updates in Central Illinois, Southern Wisconsin, and Northwest Indiana.
回顾 2 月 4 日来自伊利诺伊州中部、威斯康星州南部和印第安纳州西北部的新闻,突出了经常被忽视的当地故事。 Recap of February 4 news from Central Illinois, Southern Wisconsin, and Northwest Indiana highlights local stories often overlooked. 主题包括社区活动、地方政治和区域最新情况。 Topics include community events, local politics, and regional updates. 每个领域都报告影响其社区的独特问题。 Each area reports on unique issues affecting their communities.