LG CNS股票在首日交易中下降了8.6%,尽管其821M IPO是2022年以来韩国最大的。 LG CNS shares fell 8.6% on its first day trading, despite its $821M IPO being South Korea's largest since 2022.
LG CNS是韩国LG集团的一个技术服务子公司,在2022年以来韩国最大的首次公开报价(IPO)之后,其股票下降。 LG CNS, a tech services subsidiary of South Korea's LG Group, saw its shares drop after its initial public offering (IPO), the largest in South Korea since 2022. 尽管需求强劲,该公司的股份仍以60 500韩圆开放,低于IPO61 900韩圆的价格,以57 900韩圆关闭,比发行价格下降了8.6%。 Despite strong demand, the company's shares opened at 60,500 won, down from the IPO price of 61,900 won, and closed at 57,900 won, representing an 8.6% decrease from the issue price. 公司的IPO估值为8.21亿美元,最初的公司价值为41亿美元,但其市场价值在下跌后降至5.7万亿韩元. The IPO, valued at $821 million, had initially set the company's value at $4.1 billion, but its market value fell to $5.7 trillion won after the drop.