堪萨斯州男子被控谋杀 和纵火后 在哈钦森的房屋火灾 杀死妇女,孩子。 Kansas man charged with murder and arson after house fire in Hutchinson kills woman, child.
37岁的堪萨斯男子 Wendell Payton 在哈钦森发生致命的房屋火灾,杀死一名妇女和儿童后 被逮捕并被指控犯有两起一级谋杀罪 严重纵火罪和其他罪行 A Kansas man, Wendell Payton, 37, has been arrested and charged with two counts of first-degree murder, aggravated arson, and other offenses following a fatal house fire in Hutchinson that killed a woman and a child. 包括Payton在内的另外两人被火烧伤。 The fire injured two others, including Payton. 地方当局和堪萨斯州消防局仍在对火灾原因进行调查。 The cause of the fire is still under investigation by local authorities and the Kansas State Fire Marshals Office.