Richard T. Snyder法官在承认自己在法庭上不能公正之后辞职。 Judge Richard T. Snyder resigns after admitting he couldn't be impartial in court.
来自纽约州北部的Richard T. Snyder法官承认他不能公正,相信所有被告都有罪,因此辞去职务。 Judge Richard T. Snyder from Upstate New York has resigned after admitting he could not be impartial, believing all defendants were guilty. 在向纽约州司法行为委员会提出申诉后,Snyder同意下台,从不寻求另一个司法职位。 Following complaints to the New York State Commission on Judicial Conduct, Snyder agreed to step down and never seek another judicial position. 该委员会的行政长官批评了他的行动,强调司法公正性的重要性。 The commission's administrator criticized his actions, emphasizing the importance of judicial impartiality.