家庭讨价还价,各提供19.99英镑的耐天气的泰迪熊和小狗花园装饰品。 Home Bargains introduces affordable, weatherproof teddy bear and puppy garden ornaments for £19.99 each.
Home Bargains 提供形状像泰迪熊和小狗的新花园装饰品,每个售价 19.99 英镑,只是网上类似商品价格的一小部分。 Home Bargains is offering new garden ornaments shaped like a teddy bear and a puppy for £19.99 each, a fraction of the price of similar items online. 这些 45 厘米高的装饰品由防风雨和抗紫外线材料制成,已经很受欢迎,一些设计在网上售罄。 Made from weatherproof and UV-resistant materials, these 45cm tall decorations have become popular, with some designs selling out online. 这些物品仍然可以在商店中找到,而且它们吸引了社会媒体的注意,因为它们的外观和可负担性很有吸引力。 The items can still be found in stores, and they have gained attention on social media for their attractive appearance and affordability.