加纳候任部长用在议会流传的假色情图像, 与污蔑运动抗争。 Ghana's Minister-designate fights smear campaign with fake porn image circulating in parliament.
加纳通讯、数字科技及创新部长候任部长Sam George正在打击一场诽谤运动, Sam George, Ghana's Minister-designate for Communications, Digital Technology, and Innovations, is combating a smear campaign involving a fake image showing him watching pornography in parliament. 反对派新爱国党被指控散布这一错误信息。 The opposition New Patriotic Party (NPP) is accused of spreading this misinformation. 一名议员最初在议会提到这幅图象, 后来在得知该图象是假的后道歉。 An MP who initially referenced the image in parliament later apologized after realizing it was false. George誓言加强管制,利用现有法律遏制这种虚假信息。 George vows to tighten regulations to curb such disinformation using existing laws.