辩方曲棍球运动员Johnny和Matthew Gaudreau拥有比Higgins更高的BAC, 质疑他的过失杀人指控。 Defense claims hockey players Johnny and Matthew Gaudreau had higher BAC than Higgins, challenging his manslaughter charges.
Sean M. Higgins被控在2024年坠机中杀害曲棍球运动员Johnny和Matthew Gaudreau, 律师认为Gaudreau兄弟的血液酒精含量较高——0.129%和0.134比Higgins的0.087%。 Sean M. Higgins, charged with killing hockey players Johnny and Matthew Gaudreau in a 2024 crash, has attorneys arguing the Gaudreau brothers had higher blood alcohol levels—0.129% and 0.134%—than Higgins' 0.087%. 尽管如此,希金斯仍面临包括严重过失杀人和车辆杀人罪在内的指控。 Despite this, Higgins faces charges including aggravated manslaughter and vehicular homicide. 他的辩护寻求撤销指控,声称信息确保了公平待遇。 His defense seeks to dismiss the charges, claiming the information ensures fair treatment.