有线电视新闻网的Kaitlan Collins对在华府飞机失事中失去家人的Andy Beyer的情感访谈突显了这场悲剧的影响。 CNN's Kaitlan Collins emotional interview with Andy Beyer, who lost his family in a D.C. plane crash, highlights the tragedy's impact.
有线电视新闻网的Kaitlan Collins在采访Andy Beyer时被感动流泪,他妻子Justyna和女儿Brielle在华盛顿特区的飞机失事中去世。 CNN's Kaitlan Collins was moved to tears interviewing Andy Beyer, who lost his wife Justyna and daughter Brielle in a Washington, D.C. plane crash. 坠机涉及一架陆军直升机和一架美国航空飞机。 The crash involved an Army helicopter and an American Airlines jet. Andy分享了对Brielle的回忆, Brielle是癌症幸存者 和数字滑冰者, 和Justyna, 他称Justyna为他的灵魂伴侣。 Andy shared memories of Brielle, a cancer survivor and figure skater, and Justyna, whom he called his soulmate. 访谈突出了珍惜家庭时间和缅怀受害者的重要性。 The interview highlighted the importance of cherishing family time and remembering the victims.