澳大利亚帆船在悉尼港举行赛事, 庆祝其18届脚步联盟90周年。 Australian sailing celebrated its 18 Footers League's 90th anniversary with races on Sydney Harbour.
澳大利亚十八足联庆祝其90周年,在悉尼港举办活动,包括Will Beck团队赢得的悉尼港马拉松娱乐活动。 The Australian 18 Footers League marked its 90th anniversary with events on Sydney Harbour, including a recreation of the Sydney Harbour Marathon won by Will Beck's team. 由Yandoo的团队赢得的90周年杯赛的庆祝活动。 The celebrations wrapped up with the 90th Anniversary Trophy Race, won by Yandoo's team. Lazarus资本伙伴团队在超级冲刺系列赛中获得了全面胜利。 The Lazarus Capital Partners team took overall victory in the Super Sprint Series. 2月16日为俱乐部锦标赛重新赛程, 3月为吉尔蒂南锦标赛。 Racing resumes on February 16 for the Club Championship, leading up to the Giltinan Championship in March.