庆祝作曲家275周年。 Arkansas 组织者在每周节目中播放18小时的Bach音乐。 Arkansas organist performs 18 hours of Bach's music in weekly segments to mark composer's 275th anniversary.
Arkansas风琴手Colin MacKnight今年每星期三在Little Rock的特里尼蒂大教堂表演18小时约翰·塞巴斯蒂安·巴赫的音乐,每半个小时。 Arkansas organist Colin MacKnight is performing 18 hours of Johann Sebastian Bach's music in half-hour segments every Wednesday this year at Trinity Cathedral in Little Rock. 这个雄心勃勃的系列纪念了巴赫逝世275周年, 吸引了各种各样的观众, 包括牧师、古典音乐迷和新来者。 This ambitious series, marking the 275th anniversary of Bach's death, draws a diverse audience including churchgoers, classical music fans, and newcomers. MacKnight于16岁开始演奏器官, 提供巴赫的背景和他在自由音乐会期间的作品。 MacKnight, who started playing organ at 16, offers background on Bach and his works during the free concerts.