Andras Kasuba在特拉华州喝醉时造成严重车祸,被判处8个月的监禁。 Andras Kasuba, who caused a severe crash while drunk in Delaware County, sentenced to 8 months in jail.
Adras Kasuba, 50岁,布鲁克林男子,因在2023年3月在特拉华州严重醉酒时造成严重车祸而被判刑。 Andras Kasuba, a 50-year-old Brooklyn man, was sentenced for causing a serious crash in Delaware County in March 2023 while heavily intoxicated. 3人受伤严重,需要直升机救援。 Three people were severely injured and needed helicopter rescue. Kasuba在受到指控后逃走,但后来被抓获。 Kasuba fled after being charged but was later caught. 他对醉酒期间严重攻击车辆和驾驶车辆表示认罪,被判处8个月监禁和5年缓刑。 He pleaded guilty to Aggravated Vehicular Assault and Driving While Intoxicated, receiving eight months in jail and five years of probation.