Alphabet的Q4收入增长了12%,达到96.47B美元,但比云层增长的担忧还要低。Alphabet's Q4 revenue rose 12% to $96.47B, but shares dropped over cloud growth concerns.
Alphabet报告,Q4 2024收入为964.47亿美元,增加了12%,但由于云收入增长放缓和支出增加,股票下降。Alphabet reported Q4 2024 revenue at $96.47 billion, a 12% increase, but shares fell due to slower cloud revenue growth and higher spending.随着公司对AI技术的投资,净收入增加了28%。Net income rose 28% as the company invests in AI technologies.收入略微错过分析师的估计。The revenue slightly missed analysts' estimates.